Do you need to buy a graduation gown, or can you just rent one?

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Congratulations! You’re graduating! Now that school’s over, you can focus on more important things. But first, your graduation gown and accessories. But, should you buy your gown or rent it? Here’s what we think at Graduations Now.

Buying a gown.

When you buy a gown, you won’t have to worry about the state of it afterwards. Obviously, you want it to still be in great condition, but accidents happen. If accidents happen when you’re renting your gown, you could end up with a hefty fee. Even tiny mistakes or returning it late can result in extra payments, so if you’re a bit of a klutz, buying is almost definitely the right choice for you.

Moments like graduations are something to remember – a big step in life. You might want to keep your gown as a memento of your child growing up. After all, you keep their first tooth, their scans, and their first shoes, why not their graduation gown? They’re leaving school and stepping out into the world, what could be more important than that?

Sometimes, renting graduation gowns can have a higher cost than you’re anticipating. If you have more than one child graduating in a short amount of time, sometimes it’s better to re-use a gown rather than rent one. As long as they don’t mind, of course. The money you save could go towards other things, like a celebratory meal or a gift to say well done.

Some professions, such as university lecturers, might require you to wear a graduation gown or something similar a few times a year. If you’re planning to go into a field like this, it might be best to buy one as it can be re-used when you need it again. This will save you a lot of money in the long term, especially if you’re expected to provide your own outfit.

Renting a gown.

Graduation can be expensive nowadays and renting a gown is often a lot cheaper than buying one. Depending on where you buy from, sometimes they can cost a few hundred dollars to buy or a significant amount less to rent. If you’re on a budget for graduation or just don’t want to spend too much on one day, renting is probably for you.

Some schools do graduation ceremonies for every year you leave, some do them for milestones, and others don’t do them at all. If your school doesn’t do graduations or you’re bound to grow between them all, it’s probably best to rent. After all, you’ll only be wearing it for a few hours, and if you’re going to grow significantly between graduations, you’re less likely to need to buy them. For example, if you need them for pre-school and won’t need it again until high school or university, your old one probably won’t fit any more!

Depending on your age, graduation gowns can be quite big, and therefore can be harder to store. If you don’t have a lot of room in your house to store, then maybe buying isn’t right for you. Graduation is a big day, so everyone wants something to remember it with, but a gown cluttering up your wardrobe might not be what you’re looking for. While a physical reminder can be nice, photos can bring back the same memories, just taking up less space.

Which is best for you?

Everyone has different preferences and different reasons for needing a graduation gown and other accessories. Ultimately, the decision is all yours on whether you want to rent or buy, so have a long look around, do your research, and you’ll come up with the right choice for you.


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Make Your Graduation A Real Celebration With An Amazing Gown